Premium Merchant

Access exclusive opportunities, personalized support, and tailored strategies to enhance your affiliate marketing efforts with Amelia, the premier appointment and event booking plugin for WordPress. With its established reputation and widespread recognition in the WordPress community, Amelia is easy to promote.

Merchant Information

  • Logo:
    Preferred Merchant
  • Homepage:
  • Primary Category: Software
  • Primary Country: United States
  • Ships To: Worldwide
  • Mobile Certified: Yes
  • Add'l Payment Methods: Paypal, Google Wallet, Amazon Payments, Affirm


FMTC ID Network (ID)
63289 IMP (16534)

Product Feed

This merchant does not have a network Product Feed.

Program Information

Manager Name: Alexander Gilmanov
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Program Description: By joining the Amelia affiliate program you partner with the top appointment and event booking plugin for WordPress. Our program offers competitive commission rates, exclusive promotions, and creatives to help you succeed. With Amelia, you can empower businesses to streamline their booking processes while you earn by sharing profit with us.
Welcome Message: Welcome aboard the Amelia affiliate program! We're genuinely excited to have you join our team. At Amelia, your success is our success, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Our dedicated manager is committed to providing personalized support and exclusive opportunities tailored to your needs. Our team is here for you, ready to address any questions or needs you may have. Let's work together to make our shared success a reality!
Public Commission Rate: 30%
Private Commission Rate Opportunities: Contact our manager for personalized details and exclusive offers tailored to your affiliate strategy. We're open to considering every well-justified suggestion.
Placement Bonuses: Performance bonuses are available for top-performing affiliates. Contact our manager to discuss placement opportunities and incentives.
Vanity Coupons: Contact our manager to discuss personalized coupon codes for your audience.
Ad Copy Restrictions: No
Display URL Restrictions: No
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: No
PPC Bidding Allowed: Yes w/Restrictions
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Policy Message: PPC Marketing Policy Guidelines:

1. Keyword Usage: Affiliates must refrain from bidding on branded keywords associated with Amelia, including variations and misspellings.

2. Ad Copy: All PPC ad copy must accurately represent Amelia's features and benefits and comply with industry regulations.

3. Trademark Usage: Affiliates are prohibited from using Amelia's trademarks or brand names in their PPC advertising campaigns.

3. Landing Pages: PPC ads must direct users to landing pages that provide relevant and accurate information about Amelia.

4. Transparency: Affiliates must disclose their affiliate relationship with Amelia in PPC ad copy or landing pages.

5. Compliance: All PPC campaigns must comply with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to GDPR and FTC guidelines.

6. Monitoring and Enforcement: Amelia reserves the right to monitor PPC campaigns and take appropriate action against affiliates found violating the PPC Marketing Policy.
Email Marketing Allowed: Yes
Email Marketing Policy Message: Email Marketing Policy Guidelines:

1. Permission-Based Marketing: Obtain explicit consent from recipients before sending promotional emails. Purchased, rented, or harvested email lists are prohibited.

2. Compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act: Follow CAN-SPAM Act regulations, including providing clear sender information and opt-out options.

3. Quality Content and Value: Create valuable content that educates subscribers about Amelia's benefits, rather than focusing solely on sales messages.

4. Branding and Messaging: Ensure branding and messaging align with Amelia's guidelines for brand recognition and trust.

5. Testing and Optimization: Continuously test and optimize email campaigns to maximize performance and conversions.

6. Monitoring and Compliance: Amelia reserves the right to monitor PPC campaigns and take appropriate action against affiliates found violating the PPC Marketing Policy.
Social Media Marketing Allowed: Unknown
Social Media Policy Message: Social Media Policy Guidelines:

1. Platform Focus: Utilize major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, and LinkedIn to showcase Amelia.

2. Brand Adherence: Ensure that all social media promotions align with Amelia's brand guidelines to maintain consistency and integrity across platforms.

3. Transparency: Clearly disclose your affiliate relationship in every social media post promoting Amelia to foster trust and authenticity among your audience.

4. Content Focus: Craft promotional content that effectively highlights Amelia's benefits and features engagingly and authentically, resonating with your target audience.

5. Ethical Practices: Uphold ethical standards by refraining from engaging in spammy or deceptive tactics, including the purchase of followers or engagement, to build long-term trust with your audience.

6. Active Engagement: Foster meaningful connections with your social media audience by actively responding to comments and messages, creating a community around Amelia.

7. Compliance: Any violation of our social media guidelines may result in immediate termination from the affiliate program. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our brand and affiliate partnerships.

Network Permissions and Restrictions

Description Status Information Type
Mobile Certified? Yes Program Information
Deeplinking Allowed? Yes Program Information
Last Updated: 2024-01-22 15:02:31

This information is provided by the affiliate networks and is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate when posted but is subject to change at any time. Please refer to the affiliate networks for complete details on this program's permissions and restrictions.


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