Merchant Information

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  • Primary Category: Books & Magazines
  • Primary Country: United States
  • Ships To: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Worldwide
  • Add'l Payment Methods: Paypal


FMTC ID Network (ID)
33328 CJ (5009597)

Product Feed

This merchant does not have a network Product Feed.

Program Information

Manager Name: Nina Spengler
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Program Description: Nature is the world’s foremost international weekly scientific journal. It publishes the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature’s landmark papers, award winning news, leading comment and expert opinion on important, topical scientific news and events enable readers to share the latest discoveries in science and evolve the discussion amongst the global scientific community.

The customer base includes research professionals, academic researchers, professors, lecturers, students, and authors, as well as all individuals interested in science.
Earn money with every successfully completed subscription.
Nature pays out 20% of the sales amounts generated by publishers. Once a publisher surpasses sales of 2000 €/$/, Nature increases the commission earned to 25%. Commissions will be paid on a 60 days basis.

A commission is paid for the subscription of a Nature Journal or Nature branded Journals. Excluded from the program commission are all Nature Careers products.

Program Features:
• 20% Commission Rate. Once a publisher surpasses sales of 2000 €, Natures increases the commission earned to 25%.

• 30 days cookie duration
• Promotional coupon codes
• Consistently updated selection of creative banners and text links
• Dedicated Affiliate Manager to answer all of your questions

Search Policy:
Affiliates may not use our trademark name, our domain name, or misspellings or variations of these.

Do you have questions? Please don't hesitate to ask:
Public Commission Rate: 20-25%
Ad Copy Restrictions: No
Display URL Restrictions: No
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: Yes
PPC Bidding Allowed: Yes w/Restrictions
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Policy Message: - By arrangement only CSS Patner (CPO)
Email Marketing Allowed: Yes
Email Marketing Policy Message:
Social Media Marketing Allowed: Yes
Social Media Policy Message:

Network Permissions and Restrictions

Description Status Information Type
Cross-Device Certified? Yes Program Information
Cookieless Certified/ITP Compliant? Yes Program Information
Negative Keywords No Compliance
Last Updated: 2025-02-10 13:40:18

This information is provided by the affiliate networks and is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate when posted but is subject to change at any time. Please refer to the affiliate networks for complete details on this program's permissions and restrictions.


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