Merchant Information

  • Logo:
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  • Primary Category: Health & Beauty
  • Primary Country: United States
  • Ships To: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Worldwide
  • Add'l Payment Methods: Paypal


FMTC ID Network (ID)
26584 SAS (31646)
59041 RA (49294)

Product Feed

This merchant has a network Product Feed, however, it is not integrated in FMTC's Product Feed.

Program Information

Manager Name: Ginette Degner
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Program Description: HairMax is a technology company dedicated to improving and enriching lives by incorporating the science of hair growth into every product we sell. We never forget that behind each sale is a real person who has placed their trust in us, someone frustrated by hair loss and suffering from a blow to their confidence or self-esteem. We honor this trust by respecting our customers’ concerns, helping them feel better about themselves and offering world class customer support along with high quality solutions.
With over a half million laser devices sold in 170 countries since our founding in 2000, we have earned the distinction of being the undisputed leading global brand in at-home hair growth technology. The distinction endures because we continually raise the bar for each and every one of our products, which range from lasers to our proprietary hair care products and nutritional supplements. We go the extra mile to ensure that every product we develop and market has been proven effective in treating hair loss and thinning hair and conforms to the highest quality standards.
Public Commission Rate: 5-10%
Manager Name: Ginette Degner
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Program Description: HairMax is a technology company dedicated to improving and enriching lives by incorporating the science of hair growth into every product we sell. We never forget that behind each sale is a real person who has placed their trust in us, someone frustrated by hair loss and suffering from a blow to their confidence or self-esteem. We honor this trust by respecting our customers’ concerns, helping them feel better about themselves and offering world class customer support along with high quality solutions.
With over a half million laser devices sold in 170 countries since our founding in 2000, we have earned the distinction of being the undisputed leading global brand in at-home hair growth technology. The distinction endures because we continually raise the bar for each and every one of our products, which range from lasers to our proprietary hair care products and nutritional supplements. We go the extra mile to ensure that every product we develop and market has been proven effective in treating hair loss and thinning hair and conforms to the highest quality standards.
Public Commission Rate: 5-10%
Ad Copy Restrictions: Unknown
Display URL Restrictions: Unknown
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: Unknown
PPC Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Policy Message:
Email Marketing Allowed: Unknown
Email Marketing Policy Message:
Social Media Marketing Allowed: Unknown
Social Media Policy Message:


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