Merchant Information

  • Logo:
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  • Primary Category: Video Game Consoles & Games
  • Primary Country: United Kingdom
  • Ships To: UK


FMTC ID Network (ID)
62698 PZ (1100l6009)

Product Feed

This merchant does not have a network Product Feed.

Program Information

Manager Name: Laura Goodsell
Manager Email:
Supports Deeplinking: Yes
Program Description: SteelSeries is a leading manufacturer of top quality gaming peripherals from headsets, keyboards and mice to controllers, surfaces and software! For more than a decade, SteelSeries has been on the forefront of designing and creating gear for games.
Welcome Message: Thank you for joining the SteelSeries program on FMTC

Affiliate Program Highlights:

- 5% Commission
- 30 Day Cookie Window
- Updated Promotions and Consumer Offers
- Proactive Dedicated Affiliate Management Team

We Want You to Be Successful in this Partnership - How Can We Help?

At SteelSeries, we make it our goal to help our partners get started, to help increase sales volume, and do whatever it takes to make this partnership successful.

So, we are available to answer your questions about products or sales - any topic, any time!

We would like your feedback and input. To reach the affiliate support department, please email us at
Public Commission Rate: 5% of sale
Private Commission Rate Opportunities: Please feel free to email us a proposal at
Placement Bonuses: Please feel free to email us a proposal at
Vanity Coupons: Please feel free to email us a proposal at
Ad Copy Restrictions: No
Display URL Restrictions: No
Competitors Allowed On Landing Page: Yes
PPC Bidding Allowed: Yes w/Restrictions
PPC Trademark Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Trademark + Bidding Allowed: No
PPC Policy Message: Feel free to promote SteelSeries with the search engines. However, please don't bid on our trademark term SteelSeries (or close misspellings like Steel Series,, etc) even as part of a multi-word long-tail term (TM+).
Email Marketing Allowed: Yes
Email Marketing Policy Message: Can-SPAM Compliant Email Only
Social Media Marketing Allowed: Yes
Social Media Policy Message:


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